домучила Митски из Kiryu. у них такие красивые образы, было приятно рисовать. жаль только, что нормальных сканов с ними нет, по крайней мере, я не нашла. все интернеты уже перерыла. люди, у кого-нибудь есть сканы с Kiryu? нет, конечно он странный, сраный и страшный. рисунок, а не Митски :'D нуу, это по-моему. а вообще я не уверена: за два дня глаз намылился. пожалуй, мне нужна критика
в последнее время все как-то раздражает. я и сама не понимаю, за что я испытываю такую неприязнь ко многим людям. пожалуй, у меня отвратительный характер. ну и ладно. ах да, это будет моей речью на выпускном.
только что пришла из парикмахерской. меня долго уговаривали не красится в этот оттенок, но это бесполезно же. я хотела видеть на голове что-то типа Дзюна с челкой Шо, но Дзюна нет, запилили мне только Шо :'D ну да ладно. меня это вполне устраивает. вообще, я ожидала полного выпадения моих волос :'D ну.. после того, как увидела передачу про какую-то девушку, которая купила краску, покрасилась и облысела из-за нее. я слишком впечатлительная. все обошлось, зато волосы после покраски стали такими приятными на ощупь. а у Эляши глаза раскосыеразные :з
the practice of foot binding in China began in the 10th century and ended over a thousand years later. foot binding was practiced on young girls usually six years of age and younger. feet were wrapped in tight bandages and broken so they couldn’t grow. foot binding was generally practiced by wealthy families, as only wealthy families could afford to have the women of the house not at work. it was a sign of prestige, beauty and wealth.
Brenda Ann Spencer is a convicted American murderer who carried out a shooting spree from her home in San Diego, California, on January 29, 1979. during the shooting spree, she killed two people and injured nine others at Cleveland Elementary School, which was located across the street from her home. spencer showed no remorse for her crime, and her full explanation for her actions was “I don’t like Mondays; this livens up the day”.
harlequin ichthyosis is an inherited genetic skin disorder which causes its victims to grow as much skin in a single day as a normal person would grow in two weeks. children born with harlequin ichthyosis are easily identified by dry, scale-like skin and red eyes caused by everted eyelids. the chances of being born with this condition are one in a million.
Albert Fish was a true life monster in every sense of the word. He was sadistic, delusional and worst of all he received gratification from his repulsive acts. Besides being an admitted serial killer and cannibal, he was also a rampant pedophile and a deviant. Fish kidnapped, murdered, and consumed a 10 year old girl from Manhattan. Six years later Fish taunted the innocent girl’s family by sending a letter to them graphically detailing his crime and the pleasure he received committing it. The letter was traced back to him and he was arrested and convicted. Justice would be served on January 16, 1936 as Fish was executed at the Sing Sing Correctional Facility in upstate New York.
- What do you think about each other? Aiji: I think maya like me. We slept in the same hotel room, Maya spends too much time to bathe. Why should he take a shower after waking up, then we’ll both be late. Maya: Aiji is much like a Japanese. - Like what? Maya: Um … very naughty.